Chuck Evans' MONTEZUMA Brand Sauces & Salsas

MONTEZUMA Brand Sauces & Salsas

Garlic Chicken Rub

Garlic Chicken Herb Seasoning

17667 03005

$ 12.95 Shipping Included

Garlic & Herb Seasoning…for chicken, pork, and turkey. Perfect for garlic rice. Sprinkle generously into mashed potatoes and macaroni & cheese. Add to Fried Chicken Batter!

Mix into hamburger patties, meatballs and ground meats. Low Salt and Gluten-Free.

Chuck Evans’ DIP RECIPE:

MIX 2 Tsp.Spice with:

8 oz. Ranch Dressing -or-

8 oz. Sour Cream -or-

8 oz. Cream Cheese -or-

8 oz. Yogurt